newton partnership
POW Architects are excited to announce our partnership with Newton Waterproofing.
The Newton Specification Partnership (NSP) was formed in 2020 as a result of our desire to improve the process of designing and specifying waterproofing systems.
The result is a nationwide network of approved architects and specifiers that work directly with Newton to provide high-quality, technically-sound waterproofing solutions for any basement or below-ground structure.
All Newton Specification Partners can undertake your complete project design, but they also understand the importance of good waterproofing design. Every member, therefore, receives an annual Newton RIBA CPD presentation to keep on top of the latest waterproofing developments.
We also make use of Newton’s library of ready-made waterproofing solutions, with our extensive selection of Solution Sheets for any type of structure. These are integrally linked to the Newton Waterproofing Index (NWI) which is a unique scoring system for assessing the suitability of waterproofing designs. By combining both resources your Specification Partner will be able to ensure that you receive a comprehensive waterproofing design that achieves the desired result on your project.
So please get in touch for all your waterproofing needs and and specification queries, either through our website or the Newton link below